corporate training

improve your companies bottom line by improving the health
of your most important asset. Your staff.

corporate training

improve your companies bottom line by improving the health of your most important asset. Your staff.

improve productivity with corporate training

Successful organisations value their employees and understand that their wellbeing is an essential component to their company’s success.

Create a culture of health and fitness at your workplace with Fit for Living’s Corporate Fitness Training and watch your team’s productivity and morale soar.

invest in the health of your staff

Research shows that companies that invest in corporate fitness training receive a hearty ROI with reduced staff turnover and happier, healthier, more productive staff who take less sick leave than their unfit colleagues.

Corporate Fitness Training also improves teamwork and helps turn groups of individual workers into cohesive teams more focused on tackling the challenges as a collective.

Companies that provide staff with Corporate Fitness Training benefit by:

  • Increased employee productivity
  • Reduced Workers Compensation premiums
  • Increased recruitment potential
  • Reduced absenteeism
  • Reduced staff turnover
  • Strong sense of camaraderie
  • Provide a set of future health indicators.

Fit for Living Corporate Fitness Training Memberships include:

  • Two Group Personal training sessions a week by Geelong’s best trainers.
  • A Science based nutrition plan that speeds results from exercise.
  • Daily and Weekly eating accountability charts; 30, 60, 90 Day Goal Charts.
  • Group boxing, Cardio and Strength workouts that are fun, interactive, and provide maximum fat loss!
  • Locations can include: Waterfront, or near your workplace.
  • Consistent motivational emails and updates on health and fitness facts.
  • Fit For Living provide health talks on various topics.

Fit For Living can work with your comapny to offer a payment plan of salary sacrifice or have employers and employees share the cost. A win, win!